Instructions for poster preparation

by Scientific Committee

Dear Participants,

It is with great regret that, after careful consideration, we have decided to CANCEL the 9th International Workshop on Surface Engineering & 5th International Workshop on Applied and Sustainable Engineering in recognition to the growing health risks worldwide related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our decision follows the statements and recommendations emitted by the Polish Ministry of Health, the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate and the Rector of the Koszalin University of Technology.

The health and safety of our attendees, partners, and staff is of paramount importance to us, and we feel that it would be irresponsible towards our community and the public health to proceed with the Workshop at this moment in time.

This is the very first time we are experiencing such an emergency situation. We are deeply sorry for any inconvenience this decision may cause and hope for your understanding.

We would like to express our appreciation for all participants up until now involved in the organization of our Workshop. We are certain that with your help conference will come back successfully in 2021.

Yours sincerely,
Organizing Committee

Paper Posters

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Posters must be mounted on the day for which they are accepted between 08.00 and 09.00 in the morning and remain on display until the end of sessions on that day. The dimensions of the poster boards are 594 x 841 mm (A1 format). Material for mounting posters will be provided in the poster area.

There are no strict requirements for the graphic design of the poster. Remember, however, to ensure legibility and overall aesthetics.

The header should also include the name, date and place of the conference. Remember to put logotypes of CEEPUS programme and organizers: Koszalin University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the 'Engineer' Scientific Circle. We strongly recommend that you additionally put the logotype of your own University or Company.

Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors' names, as stated in the submitted abstract.

The text and illustrations should be readable from a distance of two meters (six feet).

Electronic Posters

PDF icon

Please send the posters in electronic version. The e-Poster format will be presented in addition to the paper posters, enabling presentation of the content throughout the Congress. Viewers will be able to easily find and browse e-Posters and download the posters in PDF format when permitted by the presenter.

Poster presentations conditions and terms

Authors are requested to be present at their posters during the poster session for which their poster has been scheduled. At that time, poster chairpersons will walk around and discuss posters selected by the Congress Programme Committee for discussion.

Templates (optional)

You can download the Poster template here:

1) for 5th International Workshop on Applied and Sustainable Engineering: 5th_IWOASE.pptx

2) for 9th International Workshop on Surface Engineering: 9th_IWOSE.pptx

Logotypes to download:

(PNG - raster graphics for Powerpoint or similar, SVG - vector version for CorelDraw type software)