
(in declatarion order)

Dear Participants,

It is with great regret that, after careful consideration, we have decided to CANCEL the 9th International Workshop on Surface Engineering & 5th International Workshop on Applied and Sustainable Engineering in recognition to the growing health risks worldwide related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our decision follows the statements and recommendations emitted by the Polish Ministry of Health, the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate and the Rector of the Koszalin University of Technology.

The health and safety of our attendees, partners, and staff is of paramount importance to us, and we feel that it would be irresponsible towards our community and the public health to proceed with the Workshop at this moment in time.

This is the very first time we are experiencing such an emergency situation. We are deeply sorry for any inconvenience this decision may cause and hope for your understanding.

We would like to express our appreciation for all participants up until now involved in the organization of our Workshop. We are certain that with your help conference will come back successfully in 2021.

Yours sincerely,
Organizing Committee